Fayetteville Skydiving
Ozarks Skydive Center
Fayetteville Skydiving
It’s important to know that we do not have a location in Fayetteville, Arkansas, but we’re not terribly far! Each year we host a lot of people who make the two-hour drive to visit our facility from Fayetteville and here’s the honest to goodness reason why – our skydiving experience is a little bit different than most other facilities.

The Golden Rule
Skydiving is one of life’s greatest adventures, but it can be spoiled if the experience around the actual skydive is being overlooked. It’s not uncommon to find skydiving centers that operate like assembly lines where they’re wishing to get their customers up to altitude and back on the ground as quickly as possible. This is a high-volume, low-experience model. Our purpose is not to “poo-poo” other facilities or to act as if we are better – we just want everyone to be aware that a great skydiving experience is more than simply exiting a plane and landing safely.
We believe in treating our guests the way we’d wish to be treated ourselves – the golden rule.

Make a Day of It!
There’s also an added ‘plus-one’ of skydiving with us and that’s also dining at the Hangar Kafe. The Hangar Kafe has built an incredible aviation-themed restaurant that’s well-known in the area! It’s not uncommon for families to drive more than an hour to dine at the Hangar Kafe and watch some skydiving!
So, if you have family of friends that don’t want to skydive and would prefer to watch, this allows for a great solution where they can relax and eat and watch you jump from their outdoor seating!
118 Miles North of Fayetteville
It’s for this reason, that so many of our guests make the drive from Fayetteville! Our location is located 118 miles north of Fayetteville, Arkansas via Interstate 49. If you have a desire to go skydiving Fayetteville, we hope you’ll consider jumping with us!